Drink to Your Health: 7 Brews That Boost Immunity

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There are now more tea options than ever before. You will find people even making teas from fruits and vegetables! Although this may seem a little odd, there is a good reason why you should start trying this out too.

This is especially true if you want to boost your immune system. There are different types of fruit, vegetables, herbs, and spices that can improve your immunity. However, you don’t have to resort to adding these in small amounts to your foods.

Rather, if you’re a tea lover, you can simply make a wholesome tea from them. In doing so, you can ingest the various nutrients and components that can keep you in fighting health. Here are the top teas to keep your immunity in excellent condition:

Beetroot Tea

As you may already be aware, beetroot contains vitamin C, which supports your immune system. This ensures that your body is strong enough to fight off a wide variety of bacteria and viruses. Beets are also great at preventing free radical damage which is responsible for damaging cells and weakening your body.

Of course, beet plays a much larger role in immunity than just being a good source of vitamin C. It also boosts your health overall, which ensures that your body is strong enough to withstand most mild colds and flu. So, how do you make beetroot tea? Well, it is rather simple.

Boil two cups of water and squeeze the juice of half a lemon into it. Then, add sliced beet to the concoction and allow it to steep for
about 10 minutes. It is best to avoid adding any sugar to the drink. However, you can add natural sweeteners if you feel that it needs a bit more flavor.

Ginger Tea

Did you know that many illnesses are due to an increase in inflammation? This is why it is great that ginger works to reduce inflammation in the body. Due to this, it makes the immune system stronger and more capable of fighting off diseases that involve inflammation.

Since ginger comes in many different forms, it can be made in a variety of ways. You should be aware that ginger does have a spicy kick to it. Thus, you made need to dilute this tea a little until you get used to the strong flavor.

Echinacea Tea

You may not have heard of this herbal tea before. However, you just may want to familiarize yourself with it. This tea is known to increase the number of white blood cells that ward off illnesses. Due to this, it can bulk up your immune system.

The news about this tea gets even better, though. There is evidence to show that this tea can prevent all kinds of infections and viruses, including the common cold. What's more, there is a good chance that it can help to reduce the duration of illnesses as well!

Since it is a herbal tea, it is best to get the pre-processed tea bags. You will then find it a great deal easier to brew. 

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Green Tea

Green tea has become immensely popular over the last few years and with good reason. Among its many purported health benefits is its ability to help your immune system. Understand, green tea has many antioxidants. One of these, in particular, aids your immune

This antioxidant encourages your white blood cells to produce components that fight germs. So, even if some antigen were to make its way into your system, your body would be better equipped to fight it off. 

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is best known as a sleep aid. So, you may be surprised to discover that it is great for your immunity as well! It can stimulate the immune system. In doing so, it encourages the body to improve its antibacterial responses. Naturally, this helps to ward off infections.

In particular, this tea may be quite good for warding off colds. So, if the cold season is around the corner, you may want to start
drinking chamomile tea regularly. 

Lemon Tea

Well, you probably know that lemon is chock-full of vitamin C. As such, drinking it regularly ensures that you get an adequate dose of this nutrient. In turn, your immune system is sure to be much better off for it.

All you will need to do is to add one teaspoon of fresh lemon juice to a cup of hot water. Of course, it is a little difficult to enjoy
lemon tea as it is – it can be rather sour. This is why most people prefer adding a touch of honey to this drink as well.

There's no need to worry though, as honey contains antibacterial properties that only add goodness to lemon tea.

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Turmeric Tea

Turmeric is a powder that packs quite a punch. Its most impressive feature is that it can reduce inflammation in the body, warding off several physical ailments. At the same time, an ingredient in turmeric has a direct impact on the immunomodulators in your body. Due to this, it ensures that the body’s immune system has a more positive response to inflammation. Turmeric can even help your immune system at a molecular level, ensuring that your body is a lot healthier inside and out.

Try this Turmeric Ginger Lemon Tea recipe for a delicious immune-boosting brew!

As you can see, there are so many teas – including beet tea – that can help to boost your immune system. Black tea and cardamom tea is also brimming with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory benefits. Try Karak Chai (a famous Middle Eastern tea) by I Knead to Eat for a warm and delicious warming drink.

If you feel like you need a pick me up, any one of these brews will help you feel better. They will also be excellent for warding off infections in the future. For the best results, you may want to get into the habit of drinking these teas on a more regular basis. This should help you to keep many different illnesses at bay.  It’s just a matter of picking up your favorite fruit or vegetable and brewing a delicious tea out of them!

Meet the Author

Dr. Dheena Sadik is a consultant Nutritionist and Dietician with over a decade of experience in the health and fitness industry. However, her love for tea began long before she understood it’s health benefits. Growing up in Sri Lanka, Dheena had the privilege of being surrounded by the world-famous Ceylon tea. This is where she started exploring various types of tea and led her to extensively tasting and examining teas from all over the world. Passionate about sharing her love for brews, she also writes for Tealeafed, a website exclusively dedicated to sharing detailed guides, tips, and health benefits for various types of tea.