Tasty Tuesdays: Meet Sarah from The Nourished Seedling

"A seed lies in each one of us, and when truly nourished through mind, body and soul, we can reach optimal health and anything is possible!" -Sarah Galla 

Are you hungry? Want to "beet" those hunger cravings? Welcome! This week's Tasty Tuesday's interview features Sarah from The Nourished Seedling, a beautiful soul with an incredible love for delicious foods and optimal well-being. This gal inspires me! 

The Nourished Seedling shares mouth-watering recipes, creative ways to eat more nutrient-dense foods (especially for kiddos), and insightful reflections for the soul. Sarah's thoughtful blog posts lovingly remind me of the importance for balancing mind, soul, and body, AND her brilliant culinary creations inspire diverse and tasty ways to use more beets in the kitchen. She states, "I love to use beets to naturally color sweet treats for my kids and their friends. Additionally, shredding beets and baking with them not only adds nutrition, but also replaces some of the fat requirement to keep the baked goods moist." 

Get a little nourishment for your mind, body and soul with Sarah from The Nourished Seedling (interview below). 

MEET SARAH: advocate for empowering young women and children, creative food blogger, passionate mother, yoga teacher, holistic nutritionist, brilliant writer, stunning photographer, "whole living" promoter, and food lover. 

Interview with Sarah Galla from The Nourished Seedling

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1. Tell us about yourself and your blog: The Nourished Seedling. What is your blog’s focus? What inspired your website? Any background to the origin of your blog’s name? 

"My site’s general focus is “whole living,” in that health is about the state of your mind, body and soul, and how honoring each aspect gives us an opportunity for optimal health and balance.  What, how, and when we eat is just as important as our thoughts about ourselves and the world around us. Our digestion literally shuts down in fear, and so even eating the so-called healthiest food won’t bring the benefits they are capable of bringing if our body and mind aren’t in sync.  

For me, this journey began when I got into recovery in my early 20's and at that time I learned how to truly listen to my body and began a new way of living.  Now that I have little ones, I want to give them the best foundation of health, encompassing a holistic approach of mind and body.  We try to live as close to nature as possible, yet, I've got a practical streak in me as I do have three children under seven years old!

The origin of The Nourished Seedling came from the notion that a seed lies in each one of us, and when truly nourished through mind, body and soul, we can reach optimal health and anything is possible!" 

2. How do you use beets (beetroots and beet greens) in your kitchen? Why do you choose to cook with them?

 "Beets are awesome! I love beets for so many reasons, including their color, taste, impressive nutritional profile and versatility in sweet and savory dishes.  I love juicing both the beetroot and beet greens, yet there is so much more to with this veggie.  Sautéeing the greens with garlic and olive oil is the extent to which I have used the greens (although, there are so many other ways to use them).  To date, I have focused so much more on the beetroot. 

I love to use beets to naturally color sweet treats for my kids and their friends.  Additionally, shredding beets and baking with them not only adds nutrition, but also replaces some of the fat requirement to keep the baked goods moist. Most of the beet recipes on my site are sweet as opposed to savory because baked goods satisfy the kiddos, too! I’m still exploring more ways to use both the beetroot and the greens, as it seems the possibilities are endless!"

3. What are some of your favorite recipes featuring beetroots and/or beet greens? Why?

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Recipe #1: Beet and Blueberry Almond Oatmeal Cobbler

"I love the combination of sweet blueberries with the natural tang of the beetroot.  (The kids love it, too!)

Recipe #2: Gluten and Grain Free Beet Brownies

So, I love chocolate.  I love beets.  I decided to combine the two for a nutrition rich chocolatey delicious brownie for all to enjoy!

Recipe #3: Strawberry and Beet Tropical Smoothie

The color of this smoothie sells it visually, but the coconut butter and pineapple blend perfectly with the beets and strawberries to make for a nutritiously rich and tasty smoothie that is kid-friendly!"

Recipe #4: Perfectly Pink Beet Frosting

This was part of one of the first recipes I put on my site, as so many parents asked about this naturally vibrant frosting after my daughter’s birthday party one year.

4. I am inspired by your focus to create family (and kid) friendly recipes that introduce balanced nutrition. Do you have insight (tips) on how to encourage children and beet non-enthusiasts to eat more beets (and veggies)?!

"Aw, thanks, Aarika!  I wish I could say I had a magical answer, but truly, it has been a slow (and continual) process of a shift in awareness and expectation (and a little of lead by example).  We (my husband, my kids and I) realize how much better we feel when we eat more fruits and vegetables. We have more energy, we don’t feel as cranky (or “blah” as the kids say), and we just enjoy the day more. 

Also, our taste buds have shifted.  My kids often find packaged food too salty or too sweet.  Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that they don’t eat, they just don’t eat it all and they find themselves turning away the extras and asking for carrots when we get home.  Plus, we make it fun!  The kids choose a fruit or vegetable and we brainstorm what we could do with it.  Honestly, their favorite part is using fruits and veggies (especially PINK beets) for naturally colored baked goods and frostings!"

5. The Nourished Seedling sheds light on how to live a balanced life through body, mind, and soul. As a busy mom, how do you find “balance”? Do you have tips for busy moms and anyone searching for balance in a crazy chaotic world? 

"Oh, geez, that balance thing is a tricky one.  I don’t know if I’ve figured out a good system.  I was born a "all-or-nothing" kind of person, so balance doesn't come naturally to me.  Trusting my intuition and knowing my limits has been crucial in keeping my priorities straight and bringing me grounding when things feel overwhelming. Everyone has an opinion these days, and while different perspectives are important, only you can know what is best for you – and you have to trust that."

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6. I would LOVE to learn more about the Healthy Living Initiative for Children that you wrote for a non-profit organization. Will you share what inspired that initiative?

"Thanks, Aarika!  I helped develop a Healthy Initiative for Girl Scouts here in Illinois.  I have a passion for empowering young women and children to know AND FEEL their worth, as well as know the power of their own capabilities when they believe in themselves. The Healthy Living Initiative was a set of 5 modules that included talking points, information and exercises that girls could do to approach their own health from a holistic (mind, body, soul) perspective." 

7. What are some of your favorite (beet or non-beet related) healthy ingredients to use in the kitchen and prepare for your kiddos?

"Well, I do love beets!  However, if I were to venture outside the beet world, I love seeds - ground seeds specifically. They are also powerhouses when it comes to nutrition.  Using any mix of ground seeds (pumpkin, sesame, chia, sunflower, flax) in baked goods (from cookies, to muffins, to pancakes, even smoothies!) is always an easy way to boost the nutrition!" -Sarah Galla

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A Note from Just Beet It

Thank you, Sarah! I appreciate your willingness to share your wonderful recipes and thoughtful words for living a balanced, healthy life. Your story of recovery is incredibly inspiring, and I truly adore your passion for empowering children and young women. Thank you for enriching so many lives with your light. You eloquently state on your website, "I believe when we treat our bodies, the people around us and the Earth with kindness and respect, we are taking the first step to creating a lifetime of happiness.  When we give our body, mind, and soul the best fuel, we have the optimal environment to make the most out of every opportunity." These words and their genuine intention empower and ignite passionate change and ownership. Sarah, YOU make this world a better, brighter place. Thanks for being you! 

Inspired by Sarah? Stop by The Nourished Seedling and spread some blogging love. Cheers! 

All photos provided by Sarah from The Nourished Seedling.